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The artists work in two locations, Łódź Botanical Garden and in the garden of Poleski Art Centre. The works created during the open air will take part in a COMPETITION. The public (sauntering in the Botanical Garden and in the garden of Poleski Art Centre) will be able to watch the stages of work and the creative processes. The works will be evaluated by a professional jury. The chosen artists will receive financial awards. The topic of the competition works will be IN SYNERGY WITH NATURE – fractals, labyrinths, spirals understood in a very broad sense.

Each edition of the International Open-Air is wrapped around a theme chosen by the Program Council. The current theme is the issue of SYNERGY WITH NATURE. Its exemplification is man's use of geometric forms, which have been shaped through evolution by living organisms. The natural world is based on regularities that have been formed over many thousands of years. Every particle of matter contains an ingenious record that makes it take on a certain form. Biological structures are especially interesting because they develop, change their form, duplicate. They fascinate man with their beauty, complexity and multifacetedness. In nature, the harmony of this beauty is often manifested in FRACTAL structures, SPIRALS, based on the Fibonacci sequence. They are an inspiration for artists and designers, who see them not only as brilliant compositions and geometric arrangements that inspire their creative activities, but also as optimal engineering solutions.

The aim of the exhibition is to show the spectrum of the open air's theme. The exhibitions will be accompanied by thematic lectures or presentations containing the authors' commentary on the creative process.

For more information, you can check soon the tab "programme". 


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